Hi there, I've been hypothyroid for 10 years now and have experienced the majority of symptoms on your list. I was always tired, had terrible headaches, put loads of weight on, slept forever (and never felt refreshed in the morning) mood swings, etc, etc, my doc wouldn't have that I had a thyroid problem at first and basically I had to live without meds for 3 years.... until he decided to let me have the blood test done. After I was diagnosed I changed my doc and slowly my life got better. I still get some of the symptoms, but on a lesser more manageable level. Hope you're doc Is more understanding than mine was, if you do have hypothyroidism it is quite easily managed, you just have a bit of juggling in the beginning to find the right dosage, and then it's routine blood tests every 6 months. Good luck.
hammerman said...
It all started off with dizziness and nausea one morning in june, i was bed ridden for a week then visited a dr to tell me i had a viral infection and prescribed antibiotics. After one week of treatment felt normal again, just fatigued.
I was good until Sept 1 this year and ever since have been suffering from these symptoms below...In the meantime i was referred to ENT who ruled out my ears, after many tests, including a hearing test.
I visited my family dr once again after that who decided to take another blood test to find that my blood sugar was 6.4 , which shocked me cause im very active 5 days a week weights/cardio and spot on diet! And my testosterone was low. Then i was referred to a endo which immediately prescribed me with tesosterone cream at 5g once a day, one month later my testosterone went up but i felt the the same. We then completed a blood test for my TSH and she said that was fine also, i wish i got the numbers cause from what i understand the new levels are .3-3.0. I'm heading for another boold test tomorrow to to check my t3, t4, prolactin, vit d .
I think im hypo :( here are my symptoms, any thoughts?
low test
blood sugar rising
light headed
always yawning
short term memory gone
low libido
loss of muscle , fat gain on chest and abdomen
cant change body composition no matter what i do
muscle aches, neck, shoulders, wrist
throat tightness on right side
lots of earwax
muscle twitching on face
never feel refreshed after sleep
always getting up during sleep 5-7 times a night
cold hands
dizzy when getting up
excessive sweating when working out
irritability. moody
Any ideas what could be causing all this? Its been a struggle for the last 6 months. Any help would be appreciated