Hi all!
My name is Noa, I'm a 19-year old pre-professional ballerina training to become a professional...
Long story short, for many many years we have suspected hypothyroidism, but every doctor brushed it off without concern. My mom recently took me to the GYN for the first time who insisted I have PCOS, but I was doubtful of that diagnosis and went off to the endocrinologist for a second opinion yesterday.
This new endo is fantastic and actually listens to me and understand me! It was the best doctor's visit experience I have ever had!
Now, the endo doesn't think PCOS is likely, but this morning I had some fasting blood labs which will say for sure either way (I did have an ultrasound which the GYN said showed cysts, but...still...lol)!
But after looking at the labs the GYN ran, and talking with me about
my symptoms and concerns and actually having a very thorough discussion (so rare!), she said that even though my TSH, which is 3.35, is within the 'normal' range of 05.-5.0, they actually want to lower the normal range to have a cut-off of 3.0 or even 2.5, and that someone my age is best off at a TSH of 1.0-2.5. She said that it's an easy fix and treating it should help me feel a lot better, as well as help with the weight I need to lose.
So, finally, I am being treated for the hypothyroidism we suspected since several years ago! I am now taking 50 mcg Synthroid. Well, I start tomorrow morning.
And besides that, now I'm just waiting to hear about
the PCOS and whether I have it or not. I hope I don't!
Last spring I had a big health scare when IBD was suspected, but in the end I was told I just have IBS! So that's good - better than having IBD!
I wonder if these are all connected. I wouldn't be surprised!
I seem to feel generally better when I follow a low carb diet. Has anyone ever noticed a connection between that, and hypothyroidism? I know a lot of people say low carb helps PCOS and IBS, I just wonder about
the hypo.
Well anyway - nice to meet you all!