This is my first time posting in this forum. I am a 50 year old female. A few years ago, I came down with some really crazy symptoms of numbness, tingling, vibrating, etc... This all happened shortly after having had my gallbladder removed. I tested positive for Lyme (thru Igenex but not CDC). Anyhow, during all of this doctor stuff, I saw an endo thinking maybe it was thyroid. She did an ultrasound and said that I have hashi's but I'm just not showing symptoms of it yet. Also, I guess I have antibodies for it too.
My younger sister has hashi's and has been taking Synthroid for many years for it. Anyhow, I have developed tinnitus in my ears (first my right and now it goes from ear to ear) about six months ago. I pretty much have it all day long. I went to an ENT doctor and he did a hearing test and a pressure test. Everything normal. I saw my endo again a few days ago thinking that maybe this is thyroid related. My TSH on my last bloodwork was 2.042 and my TR Free is 1.1. She said that it's unlikely that the tinnitus is caused by my thyroid. She said that people with Hashi's usually feel better when their thyroid is under 2 and that I can try meds if I want and see what happens. She prescribed me levothyroxine 50 mcg a day. I also have two nodules with blood flow but she is watching those and they are not growing. I also had a biospy of them a year ago...everything fine.
Also, I should add that I'm being monitored by UCSF yearly because in addition to all this lovely stuff, I have 20 lesions on my brain (but they say it's not MS...unfortunately, they also say it's not Lyme...).
Anyhow, I've been suffering from really bad anxiety lately too (much of it from the ear ringing). She said that the meds will increase my anxiety. I'm reluctant to go on the meds because I cannot handle any more anxiety.
If I could get some advice from those on the board, I would appreciate it.
Thank you!!!!