I am 49 have had a complete hysterectomy in 2008. Always have had a terrible chronic cough, cannot get my vitamin d levels up, my estrogen just finally getting normal ranges. just recently found out my thyroid is off and been treated recently with 15mg of Armour thyroid and blood work showed all my thyroid antibodies to be positive. I feel like crap, gained 45lbs in a year and I need relief. I suffered with PMDD before getting my hyster and constant yoyo of weight. I was told I was depressed from stress. Not true I am a very positive happy person. I took myself off anti depression meds when I saw the thyroid symptoms. Plus the anxiety sleepless nights and fatigue really???
Anyway, I want to get back to the gym and feel normal again and my metabolism has left the body... :)
I recently decided to start a gluten free diet figured that can only help.
Anyone out there have these symptoms....I have three doctors and its was my allergist who figured it out along with my hormone doc...which I do bio identical creams for hormone replacements.
Had an ultrasound waiting for results of that and a sleep study...ugh!!!
I was thinking maybe its time for an endocrinologist...but I want to fix the problem not the symptom
Does removing the thyroid make it better at all...