Hey just wondering if anyone has ever noticed if prenatal vitamins make your guts start to feel unwell, almost like you're starting to flare? I've just started taking them (10 days or so) and have been feeling kind of icky. I am trying to take them with food, and I noticed that it says to not take 2 hrs, berfore or after meds, so sometimes it's hard to take them with food. I am used to taking a daily multi from before, I just wanted to start the prenatal now well in advance of trying to get pregnant. But multi-vitamins did not ever make me feel this way? Just a coincidence in the timing of my guts acting up? Very frustrating when I was feeling like things were just starting to get a little more under control. I'm on Salofalk tablets 8/day, and enemas, but I am supposed to try and wean off of those...not having much luck with that, but they seemed to be a huge help! I'm hoping to not have to progress in my drugs, as we really want to try getting pregnant aroung summertime, and i'd be way more comfortable relying on just the salofalk tabs.
Any thoughts on these vitamins would be appreciated!