Rousel - As quincy said - 3x a day is perfectly fine. I've done it myself on doctors orders - in addition to Rowasa enemas at night.
Lenie - definitely do the supps at least 2x daily and let us know how it goes. As for the Asacol - I don't use that - but your dose seems pretty low compared to what others are on. 6 a day seems to be a maintenance dose - I believe others here take up to 12 daily when flaring. But since I am unfamiliar with it - wait for others to pipe up - or ask your doctor. As for constantly going back on Entocort - isn't that a steroid? I would try to induce remission without the steroids - first by upping the Asacol and adding in suppositories or enemas. And if that doesn't work - then go on to adding the steroids.