Sorry. I haven't been on the computer in a while.
I am doing a little better. I went back to my holistic doc and he adjusted my supplements (I need to adjust my signature) and I have been feeling a little better since. I also went to my family doctor on Friday, who referred me to a new GI doc, but he can't see me until the beginning of April. I just want to discuss my options with him at this point.
Weaning isn't an option at this point. My son has an allergy to something in the formula (we have tried three different kinds). He swells up and breaks out in hives. I tried a new kind last Friday and had the same result. Our alternative at this point is to buy the really expensive lactose and dairy free kind and try that, but there is no way we are going to pay $60 a week in formula right now.
I keep losing weight, and I am slightly worried about that, but my family doctor assured me that my son is getting enough from the breastmilk so long as I am taking my prenatal and eating well. He seems to be thriving.
I think I'll start getting better when I get some sleep. Four hours a night really can't be helping the healing process at this point. I just need to be patient and know that if the supplements are going to work it will take longer than traditional meds, and eventually he will sleep through the night.
Thank you so much for your concern. I am going to discuss nursing and meds with the GI doc in April. I keep thinking maybe I could take the meds to end this flare-up and then try to maintain remission with the supplements. Who knows at this point......