So, I was in the hospital in February with a terrible flare. Had a checkup this morning with my GI. While I am MUCH better than when I was in the hospital - I still am a long way from being in remission. He said we could do several things - shorten the time between Remicade infusions, double the Remicade amount or even start another "loading" dose of the Remicade. 3 doses 2 weeks apart and then every 8 weeks. OR, I can try Humira. Since the Remicade is taking longer to start working and losing its effectiveness early, he thinks it may stop working for me. I have been on Remicade for a year and a half. Anyway, I am a little reluctant to switch to the Humira - I do like having ONE more medicine out there that I can try.
So, the Dr. told me that he didn't want me to switch just yet - call him in a couple weeks if I am worse and we will increase the Remicade. He said that he is trying to "buy" some time with me - that usually people my age (in my 30's) start to settle down with the flare ups some. Have any of you ever heard of this??? I sure hope it's true - I have had a rough time the past couple of years.