I saw my physician for a check-up yesterday and he was very pleased with my progress. He did, however, mention that ulcerative colitis might cause painful wrists and joints and also affect your lungs and other parts of your body....is this true? who has experienced this? I was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis in September 2006 when I had 90 odd percent of my colon removed in an emergency operation.
I was very, very ill during this time and many people thought I wasn't going to make it. I have now, however, recovered and people see me a miracle...I am up to my normal weight, am able to do things that I have previously done...have taken on new hobbies and this after I have been ill for almost a year.
I am currently wearing a colostomy bag still...I have had two flare-ups, one in May 2007 and another one in February 2008. During this time I have not had any problems with painful joints or backache or any of the things my physician mentioned. What are the things that are commonly affected by UC?
I am only going for another check-up with him in a years time and a check-up with my surgeon in Sept / Oct of this year.
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