I think the jury is still out on whether it's an over-active or underactive immune system that causes issues with us, now I hear it being referred along the lines of "just a messed up/confused immune system"...typically it's people with underactive immune systems that tend to have wart break outs, a boy I know whom has asthma also gets tons of warts, but so did his father apparently and to his knowledge the father has no immune disorder like asthma or IBD, ect.
Hope you find something in the link to help with yours Q...I can't imagine what it's like cuz I've never had one in my life.
quincy said...
Hi..I've had 13 warts cut out when I was in my teen years. Some warts came up before I was in the hospital for lung surgery and were gone after the tape was removed from the IVs and meds. I found that interesting.
I have one wart on my right index finger that I've had frozen 7 separate times (each time, the doc did it 5 times)...it went away after continually applying Aldara nightly and keeping it covered...(did that after 4of the freezings). It went away each time but returned. Stubborn little so-and-so! I kept asking the doc to cut it out..."no, we don't do that anymore".
"Yes, but...all the other ones I had cut out never grew back!"
"Well, we don't do it."
The dermatologist said that warts wouldn't like us since our immune systems are overactive. Guess fighting warts isn't a high priority..lol!
I'll look through the link you posted pb4...maybe there's something in there I'll try.