Posted 4/5/2008 7:04 PM (GMT 0)
Just wanted to share a few things I heard at the conference.
One of the most stunning talks was by Eric Vasiliauskas, MD, Assoc. Clinical Dir. of IBD at Cedars-Sinai on "Complementary Alternative Therapies: What Works and Why?" I say stunning because he stated that he has found that certain herbs have shown to be very effective in the treatment of IBD, which were the very herbs I just started taking! My mouth dropped. He said they were pursuing a more formal study as a treatment, but the effort for some reason became too difficult and let it drop. Obviously many had questions about this later on. A Crohn's sufferer that owns an herb store told me he has had much success with it over the years for others with IBD, including himself, so that is why I started taking it over a month ago. He said some improvement should be seen, but the real effect may take 3 to 4 months. I happened to run into he and his wife at a restraunt last night and told him about it, wondering how he came across such information and he said he just came across it a few years ago and started combining it with another herb, which taken together, seems to help people with IBD over the years and the word must have spread. Anyhow, I found that really intriguing to hear this from two independant sources. Though it has been costing me about $130/month, plus another $30/month for a "colloidal blend" multivitamin, it is too soon to tell if there has been any huge benefit. Well the names are "Flavonex" and "Isatis Cooling" from Health Concerns and the other is "RF Plus" from NF Formulas, if anyone wants to check it out. Another add-on mentioned was something called "Colostroplex".
Okay some other stuff mentioned was that often times he believes that some symptoms in IBD might simply be Small Bowl Bacterial Overgrowth (SBBO), which can be checked by a breath test. If one goes on the SCD and later cheat, they would get immediate feedback, which would likely indicate SBBO. I am not sure exactly what role SBBO plays with IBD, in his opinion, but I've understood it to be more common with IBS, so this may be addressing more of the urgency issue with IBDers. Hopefully I can ask him one day. If someone does go on the SCD, he said they should either go all in or not do it and torture yourself.
He said Aloe seems to work better for UC than CD after 4 weeks. Also some of these treatments show positive results in one study, but not much better than placebo in others, which shows there might be specifics not clearly defined. Common probiotics used are Garden of Life, VSL3, Natren, Cultrelle, but not sure what his views are on their effectiveness. He seemed to stress than he liked more formal studies done, but if something works for a person he'll take it to heart and it might take multiple ppl until he thinks something is there (as anyone should!). For SBBO, he found success with "Ultra Flora Plus" by Metagenics.
Some other things: Cats Claw can actually act similar to a steriod. Curcumin (turmeric) seems to help with UC after 6 months, depending on quality and where it is located... kind of hard to read my notes because he talked fast, so hopefully I'll get the presentation soon.
Sorry, this is quite long, I just realized. Might need a part deux for the other stuff. Heh. Oh, I am not affiliated with any of these companies. Only hope we can all find something that works for each of us.