Hello Everyone, my name is Paulie and I am actually on this forum to discuss the problems with my mom and her issues that she is having with UC. She is 46 yrs old. Please bare with me while I explain her situation and if anyone can respond, I would certainly appreciate any information you can give me.
My mom was diagnosed with UC 6 yrs ago...asacol kept her in remission really well until this past summer. She began to have flares and the doctor put her on prednisone along with increasing the dosage of her asacol. She responded well, but only temporarily. The next step the doctor wanted to try was 6 mp. She did not respond well at all to this. She had terrible nausea symptoms and headaches as well. Really bad headaches. She was hospitalized for a week and they could not figure anything out. The doctor then believed it may be the 6mp causing this and it was. The headaches and nausea went away immediately. However the problems with UC continued. She put her on prednisone 40 mg.
about 3-4 weeks into this treatment with the steroids, my mom began to have rectal pain. It began slowly but got pretty severe really quick. We saw a specialist who determined there was some fistulae. She had minor surgery to remove these, and the doctor noticed an ulcer and punctured this. The rectal pain continuted however. The following week we had a colonoscopy and the doctor deteremined that there was severe ulceration everywhere, the doctor didnt even reach the colon b/c of the situation. Immediately scheduled the next step which is REMICADE, whicch is our last viable option and in the meantime wanted to increase prednisone temporarily to 60 mg.
Started remicade last week, approx. 1 week ago, no improvements thus far, and second treatment is coming up next week. The main issue is that she has bowel movements soo often, 4-5 during the night and 4-5 during the day. The stool is small smooth pieces, so not necessary loose. But the issue is that she has rectal pain, and the bowel movements dont help (she has the pain after the bowel movements and during also). If anyone has any experience with this or can offer any more information it would be appreciated. HOW LONG DOes remicade take to kick in and has it helped anyone in this kind of situation? Please respond. Thank you so much
Mom is currently tapering prednisone, and on 12/ asacol a day and started remicade last week