:) said...
Anyone heard of him or is he just another someone out there with unproven, unfounded claims?
The message:
I''ve written what has been called, "a useful book in overcoming Crohn's" by Dr. Kevin Hogan.
I can't say that I have heard "of" him but the way it is presented is eerily familiar to many sites and e-mails I have gotten in my search for information on UC in the last five years. His marketing skills are good. He points out that he has pretty much had a copulation of all of our worst problems. He states a few times that he was told he would loose parts of his bowel, which I would guess (and it is only a guess) that is the one shared fear most of us have. He states that he was told by doctors that diet had no affect, something that is strongly debated among all of us He then pointed out he was 36 at the time, more then likely right in the age group of many of us on the board (30 - 40), again just a guess.
He states that he has jointly written a book and names a doctor as author. Do a search for the good Doctor. The sites I came up with seems to have the good doctor helping others find the quick sell of their customers, not treating diseases (others include a dermatoligist and a dentist but the main one is a motivational speaker). The science of Influence doesn't seem to have any real healing qualities if this is the same Doctor. Here is a quote from the main page, you be the judge:
We learned a lot about the relationship of how people "feel about products, services and people" and the mental shortcuts they use to buy.
Now, I cannot say that that is the doctor he is speaking of, but trying to market a book for $47, he has a "good" understanding of "ALL" IBD symptoms and concerns and then a search of the good doctor revealing a website about a program to train you how to market your product effectively to your customers. You be the judge.
Just my two cent worth, John