I have been on 100mgs of Imuran daily for.... jeez, over a year now! I weigh anywhere from 95-115. Usually my weight is around 110. I had a prometheus test done about 6-8 months ago, which I guess came back alright as my dose wasn't changed. My WBC count is pretty much always somewhat high, which has become my "normal" as my body is basically ALWAYS fighting some sort of inflammation! I don't really ever question my GI on dosing info- well I did push for the higher Remicade dose, but aside from that I do as he says. Not blindly, mind you- I've done a lot of research into all the drugs I take & have taken, & check up on their dosing protocols, etc. I just figure- Look, my doctor has been practicing for like 30 years, he's in the know as far as newer IBD treatments, he's willing to listen to my opinion & actually take it into consideration, he know's what he's doing! I have to believe that, & trust him enough to listen to his medical recommendations. Not to say I agree with or follow all of them- he has recommended surgery numerous times in the past, but if I find myself second guessing him, then I'm in trouble.... does that make sense? I have to feel like we're a team, & luckily, I do!