Hi Jr. Being told that you should look into surgery can be a real blow. My daughter's GI said he saw dysplasia in her colonoscopy back in October. She was in a flare at the time. He suggested having another colonoscopy in the spring when she was in remission. Unfortunately she went into another flare in March. The GI had 2 different pathologists (one head of pathology at the hospital) look at the over 100 biopsies he took from the colonoscopy in March. They all agreed that the dyplasia seen was a result of the inflammation from the flare. However because my daughter has not been able to maintain a decent remission even on all the drugs, we chose to consult with 2 different surgeons. The GI, both surgeons, and us all agree that she is a good candidate for j-pouch. She is scheduled for surgery July 3. It is very scary. Right now she is almost in remission so it makes it tough to say surgery is the way to go. But weighing all the factors in, we feel she will be healthier in the long run. She is young and healthy now. She has her whole life ahead of her.
My suggestion to you is to take a deep breath, try to stay calm, and start doing research. j-pouch.org and the ostomies forum on healing well have a wealth of knowledge. Remember like everyone else has mentioned. most of the people posting are there because they are new, having issues, or have questions. Luckily there are also many there who are part of the majority, leading healthy lives, who are there to give the positive outlook.
Good luck.