Hi all,
Although I posted in the Introduce Yourself thread awhile back, this is the first time I've made a new post.
Lately I've been having a difficult time with sores in my mouth. One site said that they can be a complication of UC, but when I did a search at HealingWell, I only found Chrohns folks who mentioned them. If anyone has had mouth ulcers, what did you do to help them heal and/or make them not hurt so much?
The past few weeks I've had some dental work (a filling turned to a root canal and now a temporary crown), and at one point was on Amoxicillin, which seemed to start a bit of a flare. The sores seem to pop up about then, in different places, above the temporary filling, on the inside of the cheek, and now the most painful one is on the inside of the cheek opposite the temporary crown.
I started culturelle 3 days ago, so it seems unlikely it's thrush, but who knows with this UC(ky!) disease.
I just want to say I admire you all for dealing with everything related to UC and giving so much concern and support to each other. This forum has been invaluable to me.
Thanks to you all!