My husband uses condoms! So low tech.... I don't want to go on the pill- have never been on it, I smoke a little, & the thought of taking hormones for any reason freaks me out. Plus, they do wreak major havoc with IBD. And I figure I take enough necessary pills daily as is- no need to add an optional one! I looked into an IUD after our daughter was born- the science behind those is that the body treats it as a foreign object, & causes low-level inflammation in your uterus to prevent eggs from attaching. I have enugh unwanted inflammation as is- not gonna use anything to cause more! I had a diaphragm when I was younger, but stopped using it with the advent of STD's (this being back in the '80s, when the whole safe sex thing was just beginning). We had always used condoms prior to pregnancy, they're cheap, portable, easy to use & obtain. Especially since I work in a health clinic, & just grab handfuls from the lab when we need them. We waited on the vasectomy because I had been seriously considering surgery for the UC, so one surgery in the family per year is enough. And he just never pursued it afterwards. Some day he'll go ahead & do it, but for now, condoms it is! I'm cool with that.