I was on sulfasalazine then asacol and both greatly helped my Proctosigmoidits. I went into a major flare after stopping them cold turkey, believing that is what caused my kidney disease. I think now that perhaps the 5ASA's did not cause my kidney disease and that I had that before taking the 5ASA's.
Just want to know if anyone w/pancolitis uses 5ASA's successfully?
I go away every year w/my girlfriends to the beach and have been doing that for the past 10 years and this year at the beach (this past weekend) while they were asking me about everything that was going on w/my health, I told them what I thought and a couple of them remember my ankles swelling up the summer prior to me being dx'd w/UC and taking the 5ASA's. I kind of remember that too, I know the swelling was intermittent for a while, I know I went to the Dr's about it after my UC dx (just because I was dx'd right before my job I am at now and went to the Doc's about the swelling after I started my job).
I am going to request a copy of my medical records to see if I ever brought it up in passing to any of my Doc's before and maybe they made notes?
What if my the MCD is not caused from me taking 5ASA's? I don't want to end up getting surgery if it was all just a coincidence and also, i'd rather be on those than imuran and remicade.
Well I am going to get a 2nd opinion anyway, so I will bring this up, but if this was all just a coincidence I could just flip right the eff out.........but I kind of feel like I did the right thing by at least trying???