I have been on Imuran for a little over a year with no side-effects ever.
This time of year there are lots of virusus going around so he could have caught something. Sudden symptoms of vomitting, loss of appetite, fatigue, fever sound like the flu or a bad virus.
However, you do need to be careful with all medications and he should report this to his doctor ASAP. Although most people have no side effects from Imuran it is possible to be alergic to it and that can be dangerous. I would get him to a doctor soon.
Lastly, Imuran take a long time to work. If he does continue to take it (after consulting a doctor) please remember he should not expect to see any improvement for 6-12 weeks. It is not an immediate fix. It is a slow working drug that has to build up over time to work.
Wishing you the best -