First, let me say that I am so terribly blessed. I am a very lucky man to have health insurance - a combination of Medicare, a Medicap Policy with BCBS at $400 premiums per month, and a Medicare Part D-Drug Policy at $70.00 per month and a $3250. per year copay. So I am very fortunate to have it and to be able to afford my premiums and copays. Thank you God.
Second, let me say I am not pleading poverty in this post. What I am saying is that having health insurance is not enough to save your family from financial tragey.
As many of you know, I had UC since 2000, and went into remission when Remi got FDA approved for Colitis. Before that I was on steroids for most of 7 years. I am also a diabetic. Having diabetes and taking steroids for that long made me develop Charkot disease. Basically osteoporosis of the lower legs and feet. Until last year, it meant amputation, but I tried the new FDA surgery developed here in DC at Georgetown. It worked-sort of-in that I still have my legs and feet. I unfortunately acquired MRSA infection in one of the feet and required major major 11 hour surgery to save the leg. I had 7 surgeries. Now I am going home from the nursing home and hospital after 6 longs months.
Even with the healthcare coverage I had, the bills that we had to pay have just topped $100,000 in six months (and I have a year of home-based therapy to still go through - not to mention UC and diabetes.
In short, in order to pay this money - we either had to sell our house - or take a second mortgage to pay it off.
Now we have to pay that mortgage down (again, thank God we were approved). And I am terrified that something might happen to cause more health problems - and take my wife to the poor house. And yet I am insured.
Something that would have helped - about 50,000. worth, would have been long term care insurance. But I was unable to get it because of the combination of UC and diabetes, and my age when I applied. Please, If you can, get the insurance, especially if you are young - then they can't take it away from you if you develop complications.
I know it is hard to make ends meet, and LTC insurance would have meant another $400.00 per month - but it would have protected us more had I been able to get it.
If you can't get approved, try to save money in a special account for that proverbial rainy day. I am sorry I didn't - and look what I did to my wonderful wife.
Please take care of you, and your families - and I pray that this won't happen to you.
Also, watch those steroids.
With love to all here,