Terps19 said...
Eva Lou said...
thanks, everyone- I feel a bit better! According to the height/weight charts, I'm slightly underweight. I would rather be that way then overweight, but it makes it a little tough- if your weight goes down 5lbs, it's a big deal! Plus, god forbid I go into a major flare again & lose it all & then some. I think your body deals with illness & infections better when it ha a few extra pounds to work with. I have no intention of giving up gluten, dairy, sugar, etc. I have kept very detailed food diaries in the past, & have not been able to pinpoint any one food that caused me more trouble than another. Aside from the obvious- pepperoni pizza & a few beers, anyone!??!? I try not to eat too much sugar. I have been tested for celiac, with negative results. Maybe those digestive enzymes might help- I don't eat vast quantities of food, but like I said I am never really hungry. If I am, then I eat! I really think the body needs less calories to work with than we are led to believe. Again, this depends on how sedentary your lifestyle is. I don't exercise, per se, but I do get plenty of exercise daily- between housekeeping, work, & general running around, I am on the go. Well, I guess I gotta keep on trying, & just try to eat pretty high calorie meals- food that packs a punch in small amounts.
I was tested negative for celiac as well but come to find out I cant eat gluten. Sometimes it just doesnt show up on the tests and I know that is really really annoying. I kept a food diary and it was until after I stopped eating gluten and dairy did I notice I felt better. It is real tricky disease. But at any rate if you have no intention of giving it up then I wont lecture you- we are all adults and I never liked when people used to lecture me saying that their way to remission is the only way!!
This is a great support group here and together you will find your magic remission cocktail.
Same here. Negative for celiac disease, but definitely feel better when I reduce or eliminate gluten. I also avoid dairy. The two are common offenders for people with gut issues.
Why do you have to put tuna salad IN something? Why not serve it in a bowl or on a lettuce leaf? You can also use large lettuce leaves as wraps. I'm not a tuna fan, but I eat chicken and turkey salads as a salad, not a sandwich.
I second the suggestion to add healthy oils - fish, flax, Udo's, olive - to your diet if you're trying to gain weight. Nut butters and avacado are also calorie dense. Heavy weight training and limited cardio will help put on healthy lean muscle mass, rather than fat.