Had countless felxible sig's. Not comfy at all, mostly bec. of all the air. thankfully, its passable when its over.
It def. hurts much more if youre flaring! it was crazy pain. My first Colonoscopy and flexible sig i was in bad shape, a shot of valium in the arm barely did anything, i was furious at the dr. that i felt EVERYTHING. Mainly, bec. i expected to not feel anything and it HURT. ALOT.
but I just took it like a lady:)
I'm told that women tolerate pain much better than men.....
the next time around i was bolder and spoke up and said, while it was nice to experience a little valium it was not enough and it hurt. He was shocked to hear me say it, he thought It was peaches and cream. so i asked him if he ever had a colonoscopy:) he's over 60 at least, so he mustve had one. anyway, he said,"youre my best patient, you never said a word about it, i didnt know." I guess it doesnt pay to be so macho about it...
youll probably feel better about it when it moves into remission.