I am in the Air National Guard. I think active duty may be different. However, I am on an active duty tour, but I am currently world wide qualified. I am a med tech so the information is readily available. For our process I was disqualified for a year as soon as I was diagnosed. I was unable to perform any military duty. They gave me 1 year to get the disease under control. I was unsuccessful. I was still flaring, probably because of the stress of the situation. I was 10 years in at that point. So we sent my package to the guard powers that be in D.C. and they reviewed the info. It was letters from supervisors, employers, etc... stating how UC has not been a problem in my performance. There was a current scope, and labs. They denied it. They put me in a position that could only TDY stateside for 3 years. That meant I had to fing a job that is non-deployable, which are few and far between these days. I stayed in medical as the training manager. Then we resubmitted a new scope and info at the 3 year point, and it came back approved. So I am still a med tech holding my breath till the next go around. Which is 2011 for me. I have to submit a full package again.
I am fairly certain when you go before the board you have the right to appeal their decision. I am assuming you are in remission at this point????
My e-mail is attached. I am TDY until the 18th od Dec. If you have anymore questions feel free to e-mail me. I would love to talk to a fellow AF member.
Take care.