subdued said...
Hi jpm,
I don't feel so alone now.
I was on Prednisone when I tried fecal transplantation. I couldn't get off the Prednisone, because every time I reduced my dosage below 25 mgs, the bleeding would come back. I became desperate and decided to try fecal transplantation after reading about it on the Internet.
My donor was my granddaughter. She was six months old at the time. She was drinking only breast milk; so her poo was a gluey substance, very easy for doing the fecal transplantation. I did the fecal transplantations four times--once a day right after she pooed before any of the bacteria could die. I mixed the poo with warm water and put it in a syringe, one that had a long removable tip. I wouldn't have to poo for awhile after doing the fecal transplantation. The blood stopped after the third day. I could have stopped the Predisone immediately if it wasn't for the dangerous side effects of not tapering off the medicine.
I had a colonoscopy done about a three weeks later. My colon was practically all better. My GI kept saying that my recovery was remarkable. My colon had looked like dog meat when I had first seen him about four months earlier.
After a few more months, I was having poo like I had when I was a teenager--perfect poo, which sometimes was as long as my whole colon.
I then had to be on antibiotics again this past year. Each time I was on antibiotics the poo became less well-formed. And now, well I'm having another flareup. My flareup is getting better though. Almost every day I see an improvement. In fact, my flareup might be in remission now. I won't know until I poo again. It's been over 24 hours since my last bowel movement, but I wouldn't be surprised if I do see some blood or at least some pinkish brownish stuff. However, I think there is a good chance that I'll be in remission by X-mas, definitely by New Years.
I use the same syringe for the probiotics as I did for the fecal transplantation. I mix the probiotics with warm water. I use about two-syringes worth of the mixture. I didn't notice anything right away. The probiotics take longer to work. I usually won't have a bowel movement for some time afterwards though; so I usually do the probiotics method after I poo in the morning before going outside and after I poo in the evening before going to sleep. Now that I'm doing better, I'm not waiting until I poo.
I heard that probiotics are designed to work via the stomach; so I also take one or two a day orally.
Originally, I made the mistake of buying prebiotics instead of probiotics. Prebiotics don't work.
I've been thinking about doing the fecal transplantation again. My granddaughter is now two; so it's not as convenient. However, I will be visiting my older daughter over the holidays. I might do the fecal transplantation again. It was a real boost to my system.
I also eat a lot of mild curry. The turmeric really helps. In fact, I don't know which is helping me more, the probiotics or the turmeric.
I'm also thin. I could get away with eating chocolate for so many years because that was all I ate. And I didn't care that I was always having diarrhea. I thought it would help me not to gain weight.
Thats a great story subdued, glad to hear youre doing well! I was curious, the probiotics you take in the other hole, you just mix it with water in a syringe? I suppose you can buy one of those at a pharmacy? Have you noticed that rectal administration of more effeicient with probiotics?
I also think I paid the price of Colitis for abusing my colon with junk for 2 years when I started uni. Nobody in my family or extended family has ever had this.