My daughter had her surgery in July and takedown in November. It is wonderful to see her so healthy and happy. She has been able to enjoy her senior year of high school. Last night was her concert and she looked beautiful (she always is but she lost 45 lbs of prednisone weight). She was able to go after with friends to Friendlys and eat and laugh and take lots of pictures. She doesn't spend all her time wondering when she will need the bathroom.
Since her surgery was in the summer, she allowed herself to take the time to heal. She adjusted to the ostomy well. It did take some time. She did find she couldn't stand for any length of time as it would make her upper back ache and give her a headache. Since takedown she hasn't had that problem. Her energy level is strong.
She did have a full incision which healed nicely. She had pain meds in the hospital (an epidural for the first). After she was given percoset (darvocet did a number on her) but she rarely used them. She took very little pain meds for the takedown.
She chose surgery now because she is only 17. She is still under our insurance, our care, she doesn't have to worry about supporting herself yet, no husband or kids yet. There are many women who have had successful pregnancies after j-pouch so she is hoping for the same.
Good luck with your decision.