OP -Here. I guess you were right to whoever said I probably should have been on Asacol the whole time but the gastro says that my colitis is in the last 8 inches of my colon so he is not so sure that Asacol was helping so he took me off it and said to just do the enema/suppository routine. No, I can not even think about taking Colazal, it was pretty disgusting to throw it up all day. When I feel up to it I will ask to go back on the Asacol.
We live in Coastal Maine and you might have guessed that there is 1 person here that you can see. He is super busy as you can imagine but has a nice bedside manner which I have not found in the other Gastros that I have seen. Everyone else is at least an hour to an hour and a half away.
I try to stay away from sugar etc and not eat a lot of ruffage when I am feeling poorly. I did try that Spinach Sunflower thing but the canned spinach was really disgusting. Maybe I will cook real spinach and see how I do. But the most I have eaten in the last 10 days is either toast, soup or crackers.