I have been taking Haldi drinks for over a year now, as we all know on this board not every treatment is for everyone, but it was the only thing that has ever controlled my UC. And it is interesting that I had even taken turmeric/curcumin capsules for months and eventually quit taking them because they never worked either, I guess they dont work well because they are not water soluble, and somehow the drinks have made it more absorbable. (at least that is how I understand it)
But I even quit taking probiotics in the past because they made me too gassy. Pb4, have you ever heard of that with the probiotics??
The only other person I know who drinks it works at the hospital with me, and she drinks it for her IBS and GERD. And I dont like recommending things as a general rule, but for me being able to stop a flare in its tracks, and then within a month coming off prednisone then after that the colazal, again, for me was pretty awesome. (especially since the prednisone was killing me). Can this be duplicated with every person with UC, obviously according to redbull it was unable to do that. Good luck, and I hope this helps
diagnosed 1998
now off prednisone and colazal
drink 1 Haldi daily