Eva Lou said...
what bugs me is that it's not actual bm's I'm getting up for- it's gas & mucous. This only happens maybe 2x a night, more if I've eaten a big dinner or a lot of junky food that evening. But when I'm actively flaring, I am up every hour, if not more frequently. Which sucks! No sleep just prolongs a flare. If I lay on my left side, forget it, after 5 minutes I feel an urge. Which generally is gas & mucous! On any given "normal" day, I am most acitve in the AM- up at 6:00, leave the house at 8:30. During that time, I generally go 3-6 times, soft formed stool. But at nighttime, unless I'm flaring pretty good, it's just up once or twice for gas, mucous, & to pee! It's very common to lose a lot of sleep due to these nocturnal bathroom trips. Unfortunate....
That is just so funny Eva Lou. It is the same way for me. Everything you said it was like I said it. Its funny how things work out. Before I started HW I thought I was the only one. Now lots of times im reading things like if I said them.