Low Dose Naltrexone
Hello, Just signed up, hope I'm in the right place.
I've had UC for 15 yrs it has been quite the adventure!
I have lived on steroids, not eaten fruits or vegetables for years, lost 30 pounds at a time, been in massive pain and bleeding (dark and bright red), not to mention all the bathroom fun.
2 years ago I was on 150mg 6mp, 10 Asacol, and intermittent Prednisone, still dealing with the fore mentioned symptoms. Well, I heard about
pig whip worms and gave them a try. The bleeding stopped, my scared colon healed (I have the pictures), and I could eat chocolate, fruit, vegetables, I'm currently taking 50mg 6mp and 5Asacol, and my auto insurance went down (just seeing if your paying attention LOL).
TSO has changed my life for the better, I am not cured by any means but my quality of life is substantially better. Now, this stuff is very expensive but worth it to me. I know now there are ways to subdue this beast, so I keep searching.
Now to get to the point I found out about
LDN on line and I have been on it now for 1 week 3.0mg, I know that it clashes with 6mp but so far so good. I want to stay at this amount for a month than go to 4.5mg and start to reduce the 6mp and get off the worms(both are immuno-suppressors).
I know it is a shot in the dark, but I can go back to the worms, 6mp,and Asacol if I melt down.
If you have any insight into this or any questions, feel free to reply!
Thanks for reading,
The Seeker
Post Edited (The Seeker) : 5/24/2010 9:51:08 AM (GMT-6)