Mommy pooh said...
It took my 6MP 3 months but it can also cause other problems. Liver damage, pancreatitis, kidney problems, and other issues. I am worried that my 6MP is responsible for a condition called porphyria which is very rare and I'm currently trying to find a doctor that will treat me. I have been to 2 doctors so far and they keep sending me on because they don't know anything about this condition. I am currently waiting on an appointment to a research hospital with a hematology/oncology specialist. Will update for others for their knowledge because it seems like no one has experienced anything like this.
I was wondering if you could email me or talk to me more about
this porphyria condition?
My aim is vin1382 and my email is [email protected]
I have been having unexplained fevers, diareha, fatigue, etc for about 5 weeks now. it doesn't appear to be colitis/chrons based as my colonoscopy showed very mild proctitis.