mollymcbutter said...
It sure does make me think about genetics because in my family there is lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes 1 (don't know if that is autoimmune?) definitely there is IBS, so there certainly seems to be genetics playing a role in this My cousin who has lupus believes it has a lot to do with environment?
pb4 said...
It's one of the major things that researchers are struggling to figure out as's pretty much just the nature of the beast but what researchers have found is that there are a cluster of 9 gene cells that predict the severity and behaviour of the disease, of course much still needs to be learned about this cluster and who knows how many other genes they'll find that are also related.
Yes my one sister was just recently diagnosed with RA, which is another auto immune disease. Well she had colitis for about
10 years now, but manages it without drugs for the most part. My other siblings though, don't have this problem yet, and they are all older by quite a bit. My mom's parents both had colon issues of some sort and died from them. Genetics definitely play a part in many diseases. Genetics makes us weak to certain health issues, but does that mean genetics actually trigger the disease to start at some point in our life or is there other factors?
On a side note, my sister is a RN, as an RN they are required to get immunization shots every year. My sister said almost all the girls she works with in this elderly health care place, a fairly small group, have some kind of autoimmune disease of one kind or another. She wonders if constantly getting these immunization shots is part of it, who knows.