Other than a few rough spots "cigs" have been my chief relief over the past 2 years. I don't want to be a smoker, but I can't function with the UC flaring the way it used to! I smoked for 12 years, quit and ran marathons and other races, started smoking again in Feb '07. Best UC treatment so far
I have read different reports: some say it is the nicotine that treats the UC, some say it is the carbon monoxide that supresses the inflammatory response, and something to do with mucus in the colon as well. My GI/PA didn't even respond when I told her that reports show the smoking treats UC. She said the reports are just the opposite, and I said I hadn't really seen any of those reports, she was without words...hmmm.......It is not a choice that I want to make "smoking (and possible consequences) vs. UC going out of control (and the consequences that follow, medication, surgeries...incontinence etc.) Anyway, hope it works out for you and us...