Okay...I have been having the following symptoms for the last few months. I have had blood tests came back clean, and so far stool samples have come back with no bacteria. Next step is a scope but they want to wait and see if the parasite test comes back clean before they make me an appt. I have had nausea every day, diarrhea almost every day, other days are constipation, very bad cramps, extreme fatigue and headaches. It seems everything I eat goes right through me no matter what it is. I was told about
10 yrs ago that i have IBS but now symptoms are much worse and less predictable as are the triggers. I'm 37 years old and this is consuming my life. My daughter is feeling the effects as she is worried whats wrong with me, i've been missing a lot of time from work, I can't sleep because I'm thinking of it, I can't concentrate at work, the least bit of excerise seems to do me in for at least a day or two.
Please help!!