princesa said...
I've had personal contact with Gotschall and Patel-Thompson. Both have been personally touched by IBD - Jini is a Crohn's sufferer, Gotschall's daughter a UC sufferer. Both have had success with their methods and are sincere in their desire to help others. I can't speak for Rubin, but he appears to be genuine and sincere, too. I don't think any of these people set out to make tons of money in scams that dupe IBD sufferers. If they set up a free Web site and sent out free ebooks, would they get their message out effectively? Spreading the word is about marketing and promotion which costs money. Printed materials cost money for design and production. I think, in some cases, the marketing and promotion gets out of hand as the operation grows and other people are hired that have their own agenda.
You'll never see double-blind, placebo, years-long testing on diet and natural supplements because 1) there's no way to enforce dietary restrictions 24/7 for a period of years and 2) there's no funding because no one stands to gain financially on non-patentable therapies. Also, in my experience, there's not a single magic bullet that works for one person, much less all IBD sufferers. It takes a combination of therapies, tailored to your specific situation to bring about long-term remission.
The reason I sited the study was simply because she had it posted. Even if Patel Thompson has a marketing firm and there are other people involved in her site, her store, etc., you would think that she has at least a bit of control over what is posted on it.
That study bothers me because it means so very little. I don't like the fact that it's posted as if it's 'proof' that this will work for most people when everyone on this forum at least, knows that is not the case.
If she had her book for sale as an ebook or if her site was run with access to all of her information for a small 'donation' to cover operating costs then I might find her a bit more credible, or at the very least not be quite so offended. If she broadcast all of this vital information for free I'd be elated. It's kind of an odd sentiment to say that no one would know if she didn't charge. In this day and age, post on a few forums, hold a conference or two and next thing you know, everyone knows.
I understand that you won't see the lengthy studies regarding diet and I'm sure that's at least in part why people who suffer from IBD continue to struggle and why everyone has to work hard to find different therapies that work for them through just trial and error. Patel-Thompson's information isn't gained scientifically, it's gained through her own personal experience, and I don't like it being sold as such.
If I had the cure for breast cancer that was through diet and supplements, things that can't be patented.....wouldn't you expect me to share that with all of the people who suffer from breast cancer?
I just think that if she's suffered from IBD then she knows the agony that people go through. I've never met anyone who has said to me "Oh, your poor son. How horrible! I have that too! You know something that's really helped me? Well, give me $1 and I'll tell you."
........and if they did say that I'd probably punch them in the face.