Hi guys. I don't know if anyone remembers me because I joined not that long ago and haven't been too active.
Anyways, I started receiving Ki Energy Treatment(which is totally different than any other asian treatments such as acupuncture, etc) in late march and seems like I'm basically healed.
I really felt that my intestines were thickening throughout the courses of Ki treatments and my colonoscopy which my doctor performed last week shows that I have 0 inflammation. My G.I. doctor was so amazed. He said it's hard to even find scarrings. He wants to meet the Ki master and get some Ki treatments as well haha.
Let me tell you my story on it.
I was diagnosed with UC about
16 months ago and was put on Asacol along with prednisone during HARD flares and took 6MP. I've been through a lot too. When things were hard I was hospitalized at North Shore University hospital.(3 times already)
And no one's going to believe that I'm cured because it's been what? just 2-3 three months since I have been symptom free?
And I had MRSA infections(antibiotic resistant staph) and I didn't have to take the strongest antibiotics out there to get rid of it. Just Ki treatments.
People say, "Oh. You are just in remission." But I don't think so. I really believe that I'm cured. You know why?
I have seen patients coming in and out saying they are cured. This Ki master is not a doctor so he won't say he can cure you but the patients say that they are cured.
My symptoms went away without taking ANY MEDICATIONS but just by receiving Ki energy. I know that once the bleeding starts then most people take their MEDICATIONS to control the symptoms or by changing their diet. BUT I DID NOT HAVE TO DO EITHER. I just eat a lot of rice, red meat, and some veges like kimchi.
I know you are thinking, "WHAT IS THIS BS? WHAT IS THIS KID TALKING about
I have seen patients who were going in and out and were cured within a few treatments depending on how much Ki you lack. Especially, asthma. Just amazed at how little time is needed to cure these patients.
I met this Ki master whom my
mom and I met through some Korean primary doctor.
At first, I told her, "No way, I'm seeing this guy. Sounds like a scam and I meant common... Who believes in INVISIBLE KI ENERGY??? The economy is so bad and people like him just want to make money."
But I ended up visiting him with my mom lol. At this point, I was a bit desperate to go back on 6MP because my symptoms were still there with some blood and going to the bathroom 5-6 times a day while on mesalamine enema and Asacol. My anti-yeast regimen had failed. It was going well at one point then started going down the drain all of the sudden. And I was extremely lethargic and my face still looked pale even though I had hemoglobin level of 14.3.
My mom and I didn't tell him what was wrong with me but as he started the treatment he found out my weak organs He told me, "You have weak lungs and intestines. Your intestines are terrible right now. You must be having diarrhea or digestive problems. Then he said, "Your Ki holes are blocked and you are lacking way too much Ki"
I told him about
everything. Then he told me, he has a guy living upstairs who had UC/Celiac disease but now cured. I was like NO WAY. CURED?
So I went to talk to him after the treatment and yes he claimed that it was real. He told me about
Ki treatments and how Ki treatments made him worse for a week and claimed that it was the toxins getting out of the body. He's been living like a normal person for years now. He now just receives one treatment a month.
Like he tells all the other patients, the Ki master said to me, "I am not giving you medicine to cure disease. What I can do is make you strong enough to fight disease with your own energy by enhancing your ki. And yes we are capable of self-healing as long as we recharge our Ki"
Then I asked him, "Wouldn't that make my symptoms worse since mine is autoimmune?"
He said, "No, by enhancing your Ki, the crazy white blood cells that are attacking your own system will come back to normal state. Everyone has the ability to rejuvenate its own Ki. However, people who are not trained are not yet capable of recharging their own Ki. And Ki is used up as we grow up depending on various reasons. I'm going to recharge that for you now."
I was still skeptical. This is 2009. Everything is based on what we see. Observations and only emphasizing on making the symptoms go away. Not the root of the problem.
But I was starting to believe him. I had nothing to lose.
My first treatment hurt because my Ki holes were blocked. But as time went on, the treatment did not hurt at all.
I received Ki treatments and did not change my diet. I have been having hard time digesting carbs because I avoided them for so long and was eating red meat basically 2-3 times a day with moderate amount of carbs.
And within a month, I just . My stool is HARDER than ever lol(not constipated at all). It's same as before getting diagnosed with UC. Good color. No diarrhea. No bloating. and almost no gas. Most importantly, NO BLOOD. And going once a day or once every two days now. Absorbing nutrients. I LOVE my current situation. Very content with the fact that I was able to do this without the use of any MEDICATIONS.
And also I was also able to meet with this Caucasian Ki Trainer. She told me, "I had a month to live because of cancer a few years ago and I'm living my life after receiving Ki treatments. My cancer metastasized everywhere and they just vanished after receiving Ki treatments from Master Lee. Now I'm a Ki trainer and teaching others about
I was just so shocked to hear so many stories about
people who were cured. BUT he won't say he can cure you. You know why. He will only say he will enhance your Ki.
He has set up so many Ki centers all over the world. Ki treatments are so famous in England because the biggest Ki center is located there and right now Ki master Lee, the founder, is in New York, Bayside and sharing an office with a pediatrician. He plans on getting a bigger office like the one in England. He has built many Ki centers all over the world. There is one in Manhatten and I visited once. WOW. I thought Caucasians weren't into this Ki thing but that place had so many Caucasians lol.
But the Ki center in Manhatten is not convenient for people from Long Island and Queens. Plus, he's the best Ki Master of all. Other Ki centers are running by his students all over the world. He is 65 years old but looks like in his mid or late 40s.
I just have so much to say about
Ki treatments. I really think that we have nothing to lose to try this. OH YEA and my second week into Ki treatments.
THIS ONE DOCTOR came in angry and patients weren't coming to see him because of him. I was thinking SO WHAT? They are getting better. Let me just get my peaceful Ki treatment.
I know... what I'm saying sounds so absurd but I really think that you should VISIT HIM at least once and try it if you live in NEW YORK because it's near by. I really want all of you to get better and become symptom free. I know what it is. You know how crapty it is to go to the bathroom so many times in one day. I had hard time taking my midterms in college because I had to go to the bathroom so much.
It's really worth it. Although my mom did spend some money to get my Ki treatments. Mine was private and she paid around 5k. But spending that 5000 dollars was more than anything. Most people pay 3k in divided terms. or pay 100 bux a treatment.
Even Lupus patients come and go and basically there's nothing that he won't treat. LOL but you know Erectile Dysfunction is the EASIEST one to cure out of all for men.
Ki treatments are so easy. You just lie down and receive the Ki that he gives you. I actually laughed at first because the treatment looked so BS lol. You will know what I mean if you ever visit him lol.
Anyways, if you live in NY. I really want you to visit him. There's nothing to lose. The guy who lives upstairs above the Ki Master's office has been symptom free for SO LONG. It's just that it is very hard to convince people of this treatment. AND NO ORDINARY DOCTORS WILL SAY, "OH KI TREATMENT. OK. IT'S BS. IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND." And doctors don't like this Ki master because their patients are not taking medications or visiting them much.
Most importantly, it's all in your mind. Enhancing your Ki fixes up your mind first. Ki fixes up your mind first then your body. Ki master said your mind controls everything. and I realized that I was a bit panicky and these issues go away first then the physical symptoms subside gradually.
SERIOUSLY. VISIT HIM if you live in NY. If you don't want to then don't. I just want you guys to try something different that can work. This is his website. There's his address. Take a look. It will help. or I can help you find the place if you really want to visit.
I REALLY WANT YOU GUYS TO GET BETTER. If you think this makes no sense, it's normal. No worries. It's hard to explain and I'm not good at it.
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4. No advertising or links to advertising or "Spam" is permited (including signatures).
To our members: remember that the only proven cure for UC at this time is surgery. It's usually a good idea to be wary of people touting "cures" and posting promotional links.
Post Edited By Moderator (Judilyn) : 6/7/2009 9:33:27 AM (GMT-6)