I am so glad that someone started this subject. I was just considering changing my diet to a low sugar diet, as it seems very healthy. Unfortunately I cannot find a good outline of what a good low sugar diet entails. How much is low, 10g, 20g, 30g a day?
LuckyLindy said...
Cutting out refined sugar can help some, but honestly there's not much molecular difference between sugar and fruit. Fruit has sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Sugar is sucrose, which breaks down quickly to fructose and glucose. Sure, fruit is healthier because of the fiber and vitamins, but otherwise it's basically sugar. In fact, many fruits are often worse than sugar because fructose is poorly digested by ~30% of the population ... which leads to cramping/bloating/etc. Saying that fruit is "good sugar" is kind of like saying a candy bar would be healthy if you washed it down with a multivitamin and Metamucil wafer.
I can't agree with that. Fruits have a lower glycemic load, so the sugars take longer to break down. Also fruits offer antioxidants in addition to vitamins and minerals that can help reverse the effects of toxins or oxidative stress. And isn't oxidative stress what we are really trying to cut down mainly in trying alternate diets?