Meesh said...
Obviously your MIL means well, but is totally clueless and it's not really her place to give you advice about this. I have been on Remicade for a couple of years now and it worked GREAT for quite awhile. I was pretty afraid of it but my next door neighbor has been on it for years for her RA and she told me all about what to expect and how good it has been for her health. It is a pretty good medicine and fairly well tolerated by most people.
As its results aren't being as good anymore I consulted with a surgeon and am more than likely going to have the surgery this January when it will be better for me to shut down my business. I found a lot of useful information at and
Also, this link, has A LOT of extremely useful information, including an explanation of exactly what's going on inside with your UC or Crohns, why it causes the symptoms it does, and good details about the surgical options. If you can, have your MIL and husband read at least that information.
Where's your family in this? Are they supportive?
Many hospitals have support groups, if you're not getting the support you need at home you may want to try that route.
Thanks for the links. I don't have a lot of support for surgery either. My MIL thinks that my GI is getting some type of kickback for sending people to UAB medical center for surgery because she knows several people he has sent there in the past several months.
My husband is just too wound up in his universe of pending doom to really understand any type of health problem, procedure or treatment that I might have. Plus, he still thinks all I need to do is eat avocados. I want to strangle him sometimes. I have stopped telling him anything.
I am trying to get my Remicade infusions set up now. I'll let ya'll know when I have a date for the first one.
I have come to the realization that surgery is in my future. I am just not ready right now. I have a lot of courage and confidence to build up before I can do it. Maybe Remicade will give me the time I need to prepare myself for the surgery. I'm hoping for the best.
Thanks again.