ElephantPipe said...
Also, I'm wondering why you take it three times a day instead of one? That seems weird. Seeing as how long it takes to kick in and also how it takes a while to leave the system, I don't see the benefit. It would be easier to take it all at once. Unless it makes you nauseous? Just curious
6am, 2pm, 10pm.
I don't know why, that's just how the doc's got it prescribed. He's been an award winning GI for 35 years and is one of the best in DFW (I'm actually really lucky considering the military normally sends you to whatever random doctor pops up in the computer), so I trust it. My only guess is it might be because I'm just starting the prednisone taper.
So far, I've experienced no side effects from it. Maybe a little more gas than normal, but my UC finally went into remission and it happened 3 days after I started the Imuran. I'm down to 1-2 trips to the commode a day and the results have been solid since Saturday. I'm really hyped.