So, I got into my GI yesterday in between his procedures...I told him blood/mucus for a little over a week, lots of gas/bloating, bm's increasing and not as formed-slender as well...was pretty straight up about
not wanting to be on prednisone like in the past. He says that he would start me out on slow dose...he said as far as the Canasa and enema's, he didn't know how far up I was inflammed because of first diagnosis July 2007 it was my entire colon and that I was a sick woman. His solution: Colonoscopy scheduled for Thursday 8a.m., starting prep tomorrow at noon! I am totally NOT looking forward to this. I did tell him you told me that I wouldn't have to come back for another 7 years, his comment, "you weren't flaring then!!!"
Left telling him my bottom would see him on Thursday!!!!!!!