I am so used to bad things happening that I sit around wondering, what's next?? Not only am I depressed and generally negative, I also happen to have a lot of difficult situations in my life. Not entirely my own personal situations but family members have their own difficult situations and they all weigh on me. I don't tell my family about my stuff because I don't want to weigh them down any more than they already are. Once my sister asked me if I had Chrons and I said, No. I don't have Chrons though, I don't think I do. How does she know what Chrons is anyway? Makes me wonder if I have a secret relative out there with Chrons disease. Makes me think I have Chrons. That and the "patchy inflammation"... Paranoid, huh? Not that it matters either way.
Gotta keep my head up and hope tomorrow is better. Look for the things that make me happy and enjoy the time I have with the people I love. When I can't do that, spend time trying to make other peoples lives better. What else can I do? I don't work, I don't want a family, I live 3k away from everyone I know, I have nothing too worthwhile going on in my life... Pointless to sit here and wallow. I have to remember I am fortunate to have a warm, comfortable place to rest my head and money to eat. When I was very sick and underweight, anemic, flaring, unable to get out of the house for any length of time, I still found ways to be productive and feel okay about life. I met someone who is now a bestfriend and laughed extremely hard so much of the time with her. Stayed inside in the freezing snow and ran to the can between sentences but I don't wish I was taken because I've had so many more exciting experiences since then... I know it's difficult but put my dog next to me and I am instantly 100000x better. Funny the things that make me happy.
I say this now but tomorrow I will be wishing I died at birth. Go figure.