Hi All,
I just wanted to share something that is helping me in hopes that others may find some relief too. I have been in a bad flare for a year now, and still am...still not in control :( However, this week I have had some relief and I think its due to this homeopatheic remedy. Every night after I eat dinner the last thing I do (about 1.5 hrs) before I go to bed I have a hot tea. The tea consists of fresh grated ginger which I boil and then strain the ginger and then I add 1/2 teaspoon of Turmeric to it. I drink that as the last thing I take in. Most nights I wake up to go to the bathroom at least once (but most of the time twcie) but this week since I have been drinking this tea I have not woken up at all. After months I feel like I have finally had some good nights sleep. I am not sure if this will work for others but its natural and worth a shot. I think it helps because they are both natural anti-inflammatories (ginger and turmeric).
Hope it helps someone else!
30 year old female
Pancolitis since Sept 07
Have had 3 treatments of Remicade but haven't seen any differenace yet, and have lost A LOT of weight :( Hope the next treatement I see some improvements.