I don't think it would bother me, to tell you the truth... I mean, chances are, you WOULD have Lactaid! If they (co-workers) have any idea of your "digestive" issues, you know? That's probably all they know, that you have some sort of stomach issue. Except for a few people at my work, that's what most of my co-workers think. And I work with doctors & nurses! I don't feel comfortable talking about
it, or attempting to educate people about
IBD... that's not my job. Plus, then you'd always be known as "the girl/guy with diarrhea issues"... and that's it. Hearing about
other people's problems gets very tiresome- everyone's got problems, you know? Even a family member who goes on & on & on about
a health condition, after a while it's like "Shut up!". I feel that UC is a very small part of me, overall, & not even worth bringing up- anytime there's food I know I should avoid, I just say "No thanks!" and leave it at that. I only go into detail if I am going to be out of work for any extended amount of time. Which thankfully, hasn't happened in about
a year & a half!
And my mother is the same way- she'll tell anyone about
it! It's gotten better, but when I thought I would have to get surgery, she told like a dozen people exactly what type of surgery, etc- I was SO MAD- I let her have it too, told her it was my body & my decision & I (and ONLY I!) would decide who I wanted to tell. Now when she asks how I am, I say "Not bad".