Basically eliminating all grains, all foods containing high sugar (natural and added) content, eating no foods that contain mold/yeast (cheese, peanuts, mushrooms, corn). On the diet I ate from choices of: beef, fish, poultry, eggs, most nuts except peanuts and pistachios; most veggies except corn, mushrooms, potatoes; fruits such as green apples, berries, grapefruit, lemons and limes; plain yogurt, real butter, limited cream cheese; Stevia for sweetener. I now use Truvia, as well. I also took natural antifungals like olive leaf extract, caprylic acid, and still take probiotics (highly recommend anyway), and beta glucan for immune booster. After a few weeks of the strict diet, I was significantly better. I still try to moderate my sugar and wheat intake today as I know I am suseptable to fungal growth, and don't want those UC symptoms back. I also felt alive with more energy than I had for a very long time when I was on the diet, so it also had other good benefits for my health, as well. Sugar is such a depressor of our health. ON , under the resource section, then FAQ's, you can read more on the diet and fungus.