Good luck tomorrow GLOVE!!! I'll pray Remicade does the trick for you. I tapered down to 30 mgm of prednisone today...amazing I don't have the moonface yet. I had a formed BM, only one....there was just a tad of blood on the end but that could be from a hemmie as I inserted a cortizone suppository last night. Doc said to still try to medicate that end.
Hubby and I actually went out for an early dinner today. I ate some salad but chewed it to practically Had roast pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes and cole slaw with orange sherbet for dessert....mmmmmmmm...foooooood!!!! I have to be careful as the prednisone has been playing havoc with my blood sugar. The FBS is ok but two hours after eating it goes up to about 180. Can't wait to get off the prednisone!