Hi, I'm a new member who read some posts a month or 2 ago. I think I have some very valuable info for you and many others. I have a sister with celiac disease who is about
60 now. She was diagnosed when she was about
4 (she just got lucky with a very good doctor when celiac was first recognized). At that time they thought that children 'outgrew' celiac disease. So when she was a little older and a little healthier she started eating gluten again (wheat, rye, barley). She then developed ulcerative colitis, a very severe case, over several years. Someone finally told her she had to eliminate gluten completely. And she improved over a couple of years, but has to have twice yearly follow-up for life to make sure her UC doesn't get out of hand.
So now to my 'experiement'. I started having pronounced symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome when I was in my early forties. In retrospect I had celiac-like symptoms when I was very young (low iron, mouth ulcers, generally 'sickly'). about 3 yrs ago (I'm now 56) my symptoms became worse with bloating, gas and significant constipation. Most important, I developed sacroiliitis and went through a lot of pain, physical therapy, etc. I went gluten-free after a doctor suggested I try it since I had eliminated all dairy and still had all the IBS symptoms. At that time I did not realize that SI joint dysfuntion could be related to gluten intolerance. After a year of gluten-free eating, but with some 'cheating' I decided to become very strict and cut out all gluten. My symptoms almost disappeared over the next year. The SI joint problems were 'there' but more managable and the pain level was much lower.
After 2 yrs almost gluten-free my younger siblings started having health problems; gallbladder, liver, etc. So, for their benefit and my own I decided to find out if I was in fact a celiac. After a 5 week 'gluten challenge' eating lots of wheat I saw a GI guy, had a biopsy and I tested negative. No celiac disease, but he found inflamation. After 3 months I had a blood test; negative. But, most significant, my SI joints became very inflamed! Bloating and gas much worse. I'm being tested for gluten sensitivity within the next week. I've also done lots of research. My advice: Go gluten free whether celiac or not. Especially if you have UC!! Good luck.