I have a few pet peeves, at the top of the list is people who refuse to take meds. It seems like prednisone is the drug everybody loves to hate. Now granted it can have some side effects, but it usually beats the alternative. Right now you are not suffering to much, right...Is the goal to reach the 10 bloody BM's and all the good stuff that came with it..???It appears your GI first tried other meds that did not do the trick..Now maybe a Hydrocortenema might help before the dreaded prednisone as fruitgirl suggested...But I ain't a Dr. There are good doc's and bad ones. I judge a Dr by how well he took care of me. How did your doc do over the last 4 years. Ever hear of toxic megacolon..?....Do yourself a favor and put that fire in your colon out before it burns the house down..I have had UC for 40 years, many here have had it much worse then I. But it still can wear one down..I use steroid enemas and Sulfar to put my colon fire out. There many many different meds out there that people on this thread can tell you about
. Most of them have side effects. I am not the sharpest knife in the draw here, only one of the oldest...Do yourself a favor, don't take to heart what I say, but do take to heart what your Dr says..
So I read how exercise is helpful to us with UC. My wife buys me a treadmill...So I walk on it today pull my back out and now need bed rest. This is the kind of year I am having. April 4th of this year I lost my beloved German Shepherd who was 9 1/2 years old...I had bought another house 3 months ago but it fell through since I couldn't sell my house. 2 months ago my mother was dx with cancer...This is the kind of year where I could go in a bomb shelter and have a volcano erupt under me....
RJD, swear words aren't allowed, thus the reason for the edit. And try to keep the tone a bit lighter, please! :)
Post Edited By Moderator (fruitgirl) : 12/10/2009 11:50:32 PM (GMT-7)