notsosicklygirl said...
I have tried the following things:
* Kombucha Tea
* ginger
* omega3s
* Holy Basil
* Bitters Compound
* Black Walnut
* Slippery Elm
* Bioperine
* Probiotics
* Coconut Oil
* SCD Diet
* Psysillum Husk
* Folic Acid
* Vitamin A & D
* Peppermint
* Antioxidants
* Omega7
* Calcium/Magnesium
* Boswelia
* Curcurmin
* Turmeric
* Grapefruit Seed Extract
* Kefir
* Fermented foods
* Digestive Enzymes
* Flaxseed
* exercise
* exclude dairy and caffeine
* excluding corn syrups, processed foods, packaged goods, foods containing fillers
* yeast cleanse
Some of these I took while I was flaring before starting 5ASAs. I never saw much improvement from anything... some I took while I was in remission and taking 5ASAs. I would like to say that I am flaring now and had been consistently taking 5ASAs and supplements. I have wasted a lot of money on this stuff. I still drink kombucha tea, kefir and eat fermented foods. I am stopping all of the supplements indefinitely. I will try to exercise again when I feel better.
Hi Not So Sickly Girl,
I understand how that for some people, nothing works. For some 35 years, I have tried almost everything for my acne, both alternative treatments and western medicine. Guess what? At 48, I still have acne. I'm just genetically very prone to getting acne.
I just took out the extra spaces on the quote to take up less room ~ Sherry
Post Edited By Moderator (Red_34) : 1/3/2010 9:22:31 AM (GMT-7)