To do with the practicalities of dating. Try not to go on dinner dates. Meet for coffee instead then of course you won't probably drink coffee but you can have tea instead, green tea, breakfast tea - it's OK.
That's a great casual way to date and talk without the terror of the meal.
A dinner date is also a bad idea because it will cause stress when you look at the menu and can't eat anything on it, then have to ask for plain boiled rice. You will worry that you are looking like trouble to your prospective date.
Just go for coffee dates at first.
Then later when you feel more comfortable you can go for dinner dates.
Or you can go on fun outing sort of dates, such as: go ice skating or go to the beach, walk around the park. Things that don't include dinner or lunch. Just to start off with.
That's my idea for you.
Chin up - you have youth on your side. I would give my eye teeth to take 15 years off my age and know what I know now.
I could have my pick of the men, and oh what lovely men i'd pick. Then I'd settle down at age 27. Why are there so many lovely men out there and so little youth left for me?? this is what i ask God....why ? why must you tempt me?? But God just says...
The one thing you cannot control is your birth certificate.
So don't be afraid. You are just on the doorstep of life's great adventure. Your UC can be controlled.
And think of it as a positive in a way.
It is like quality control. Any man who turns up his nose because you have UC is the wrong kind of man - so very lucky to be rid of him before you begin :) :)