Yes, I had an pulmonary embolism 2 1/2 years ago after a fall and a broken hip. I was on Heparin and Lovenox in the hospital and then on Coumadin for one year afterwards. Initially I had some blood transfusions because my Colitis was so severe and my blood was too thin - over 10 (10 is the highest number on the scale). When I got home from the hospital, I was in a severe flare, but still had to be on Coumadin for 1 year. I had to wear a medic alert
bracelet and I felt terrible. I could barely work and looked terrible. I continued to receive Remicade infusions but during that time is when I started to experience reactions during the infusion. I maintained my Asacol and all my other meds. I have been off of Coumadin for a year and a half.