Although there is a genetic predisposition to UC, scientists have found that rates of autoimmune diseases including UC, asthma, diabetes and MS have skyrocketed in the last 50 years - but only in first world countries.
IBD incidence went from 1 in 10,000 just 2 generations ago to 1 in 250 now.
Some doctors now believe that these are hygiene diseases.
In the last 50 years we have had freely available antibiotics, we have dewormed children and used disinfectants to sterilise our kitchens and bathrooms.
While we killed the bad bugs that make us sick, we also killed the good organisms that keep us well.
Humans co-evolved with parasites such as worms and have a symbiotic relationship with them.
Without them our immune systems go haywire and attack the body.
Worms and bacteria can have an anti-inflammatory effect and help program the immune system, keeping it on target.
fascinating articles here:
NY Times:
NY Timesand at boston globe:
Boston GlobeThis is one possible reason why probiotics have helped so many people here, and why antibiotics were the suspected trigger in many cases.